The desire to compete and compare oneself to others, including lifting heavier weights or completing more reps in a workout, can be influenced by a combination of psychological, social, and evolutionary factors. Uglier behaviours and re-enforcement of the barriers preventing people walking in to a gym in the first place are often brought about by the following.
Social Comparison Theory supports humans as having a natural tendency to evaluate themselves in comparison to others. This can lead to a desire to be better or superior, and lifting more weight than someone else can provide a tangible measure of that perceived superiority. There can be upsides to this if it acts as a motivator to push yourself further and capitalise on the benefits of progressive overload. The downsides though can have long term effects on what started out as an aspiration to feel better and invest in your health. Low self-esteem, envy, inaccurate self-perception and a reliance on external validation can result in an environment that suddenly isn't so fun to attend anymore.
Status and Dominance demonstrated through physical strength and prowess are in some peoples eyes associated with higher status and dominance in social groups. Lifting more weight could be a way for individuals to signal their physical capabilities, which could translate into higher social standing or influence.
Motivation and Achievement by setting goals and achieving them can provide a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. the perception of out-doing a fellow gym go'er can imitate the feeling of a personal achievement, boosting self-esteem and motivation. For you at least.
Cultural influences and the Media often portray strength and physical prowess as desirable traits. This can shape desires to out compete others whether it be in perceived composition gains or lifting heavier weights to align with these cultural ideals.
Competitiveness is naturally wired in to us in one ay or another which can extend to various aspects of life. The desire to outperform others can be firmly rooted in this innate competitive nature.
Fitness environments have a huge responsibility in applying their gained expertise to leverage a persons motivators to help them achieve their goals, at the same time maintaining balanced perspectives and understanding and adapting to suit the needs of all. Create an inclusive space that fosters a culture of individuals competing with themselves in an attempt to access the results they originally signed up for.