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Excuses, excuses, excuses: How Your Brain Resists Plans To Exercise.

Manisha Fitness

Embarking on a journey towards a healthier lifestyle is often met with something we all talk about, the sudden emergence of excuses that effectively prevent us from exercising. As we navigate this rabbit hole of rationalisation, it's intriguing to explore the role our brain plays in conjuring up such excuses.

The brain, a master of adaptation, is wired to protect us as well as seek pleasure. When confronted with the prospect of exercise, it initiates a subconscious evaluation process.

Parenting Responsibilities

It may not come as a surprise that our brain highlights the responsibilities associated with parenting as being time consuming. "I can't exercise because I have to take care of the kids" becomes a defense mechanism, instead of taking responsibility to prioritise our health. The brain skillfully exploits our love for our children, manipulating emotions to reinforce the validity of the excuse.

Remove yourself from the home environment

The brain often leverages the chaos of family life and cluttered living rooms to avoid exercise. Suddenly chores piling up, and the unpredictability of children's behavior create a mental barrier against exercise. "It's impossible to work out in this environment" becomes a plausible statement, with the brain seeking comfort in maintaining the status quo.

I need to prepare myself before training in a gym

Fear of judgment is another contributing factor. The brain, desperately attempting to protect our self-esteem, develops excuses that shield us from perceived embarrassment, perceived being the operative term. Using children as a pretext, we escape the perceived scrutiny of fellow gym-goers.

You already know the answer.

Understanding the mechanics of these excuses is crucial for breaking free from their grip. Now that you're aware of our brains inclination to preserve comfort and all of factors mentioned, reframe your mindset, acknowledge the value of self-care, and dismantle the barriers constructed by our brain.

The never ending dance between your brain and excuses, often featuring children, work and a few other things, sheds light on our subconscious resistance to exercise. Recognising these patterns enables us to reclaim control over our health journey. Outsmart your mind, fostering a harmonious balance between our perceived responsibilities and our commitment to a healthier self. Set goals, take photos, ask others to check in on you, follow good role models, whatever it takes.

Book a free discovery call now to find out more.

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